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Groupe Vicat

Vicat presents Circulère, its bespoke offer from deconstruction to reconstruction

27 November 2018

During Pollutec 2018 fair, environment and energy actors fair, Vicat presents its innovative and virtuous bespoke offer, at town and country’s service.

At the time of demographic explosion and urban densification, environment is a hot topic, at the heart of the new reflections about construction domain.

Vicat Circulère : a proximity offer

How to transform worksites waste and incorporate them in innovative and responsible products, for an new sustainable layout of areas ? This is Vicat Circulère’s ambition, based on 3 lines of approach :

1. Deconstruct : Vicat ensures a local and optimal management of worksite and decontamination waste recycling. Thanks to its territorial grid, Vicat Group sets up local distribution network suiting each project, notably in the rehabilitation of industrial or urban brownfield .

2. Valorize : the industrial equipment of the Group (cement plants, quarries…) offers a local valorization solution of wastes meeting high quality and environment requirements. The process creates no ultimate waste (no ashes, no clinker).

3. Regenerate : Vicat contributes to the reconfiguration of areas with materials (cement, concrete) derived from local waste valorization and develops constructive, environment-friendly and innovative building solutions.

Offer benefits :

  • Contributing to the safeguarding of natural ressources and the reduction of CO2 emissions ;

  • 100% valorizing construction industry waste through the cement industrial process ;

  • Contributing to the area’s dynamism by creating jobs through local green initiatives development ;

  • Benefiting from a recognized know-how and an A to Z support
Projet Vicat Circulère

Learn more

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Plaquette Vicat Circulère.pdf
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