Vicat, a multi-local group
Present in six parts of the world, Vicat will continue to develop its cement business in emerging countries, where demand for construction materials will be highest in the years ahead of us.
6 zones, 12 countries
- France
- Europe : Switzerland and Italy
- Asia: India and Kazakhstan
- Mediterranean: Turkey and Egypt
- West Africa: Mali, Mauritania, and Senegal
- Americas: United States and Brazil
France Zone
France Zone
The Vicat group's historic market, where we conduct our three main businesses.
- 31% of sales
- 1 211 M€ consolidated sales
- 3 272 employees
Industrial resources
- 5 cement plants
- 2 miling plants
- 155 batching plants
- 45 aggregates quarries
Europe Zone
Europe Zone
We have been operating in Switzerland since 2001, when we acquired Vigier, and in Italy since 2003.
- 10% of sales
- 407 M€ consolidated sales
- 743 employees
Industrial resources
- 1 cement plant
- 1 miling plant
- 18 batching plants
- 16 aggregates quarries
Asia Zone
Asia Zone
We have been working in Kazakhstan since 2007, and in India since 2008.
- 12% of sales
- 492 M€ consolidated sales
- 1 169 employees
Industrial resources
- 3 cement plants
- 1 aggregate quarry
Mediterranean Zone
Mediterranean Zone
We have been working in Turkey, where we have two cement plants, since 1991, and in Egypt since 2003.
- 12% of sales
- 464 M€ consolidated sales
- 1 512 employees
Industrial resources
- 3 cement plants
- 39 batching plants
- 5 aggregate quarries
West Africa Zone
West Africa Zone
We have been working in West Africa (Senegal, Mali, Mauritania) since 1999.
- 10% of sales
- 384 M€ consolidated sales
- 971 employees
Industrial resources
- 1 cement plant
- 2 miling plant
- 1 batching plant
- 2 aggregate quarries
America Zone
America Zone
We operate in two countries: the United-States, since 1974, and Brazil as of 2019.
- 25% of sales
- 979 M€ consolidated sales
- 2 326 employees
Industrial resources
- 3 cement plant
- 60 batching plants
- 2 aggregate quarries