SATM Major works
A true partner for your major works
To help in the construction of major infrastructures in France and internationally, SATM Major works produces ready-mixed concrete on-site with its stationary batching plants. SATM Major works is a true partner for projects such as high-speed rail lines, large motorway bridges, nuclear power plants, airports, navigation locks, and dams.
What makes our services special? We take charge of all aspects relating to your concrete, providing concretes with highly specific mix designs, perfectly meeting the specifications of the project's needs, together with full logistics services (transport and pumping).

SATM Major works partnering Grand Paris

Our achievements
Rosny sous Bois batching plant
Upgrading public transport is a major factor in the development of the Greater Paris Urban Area (Grand Paris). One related project is the extension of metro line No. 11 from its Mairie des Lilas terminal to the Rosny-Bois-Perrier station on RER rapid-transit line E, for which SATM Major works is supplying 130,000 m3 of concrete from its batching plant in Rosny sous Bois.

Infrastructures concerned by the three contracts for the Rosny sous Bois project
One work package concerns construction of a 3-km-long, 7.95-m-diameter circular tunnel, 4 stations, and three ventilation and fire-access shafts. A second package concerns construction of a 245.5-m-long twin-track tunnel connecting the future Serge Gainsbourg station to the Les Lilas maintenance workshop, together with installation of plant rooms. And the third contract is for construction of an impressive 580-m-long viaduct on the above-ground section of the metro line at the Coteaux-Beauclair station in Rosny sous Bois, a striking structure that is bound to become emblematic of Line 11. The works are scheduled for completion in November 2021.

130 000
cubic meters of concrete supplied
Noisy le Grand batching plant
Line 15, the first of the Grand Paris Express system aimed at reducing travel times in the suburbs of the Greater Paris Area, will ring the area: its construction is nothing less than historic.

Under this project, SATM Major works is supplying the concrete necessary for construction of the Noisy-Champs station on Line 15. In addition to the very modern 156-m-long station itself, SATM Major works is also involved in the construction of the 255-m-long stabling and turnaround facility ahead of the main station, as well as construction of a 29-meter-long road bridge across the RER A rapid-transit lines. For this, the workforce of SATM Major works is producing a total of 113,068 m3 of concrete. Project handover is scheduled for September 2022.

113 000
cubic meters of concrete supplied
Our Achievements
Champigny sur Marne batching plant
As part of construction of Line 15 of the Grand Paris Express system, SATM Major works is producing concrete for another two sites : the TBM-driven tunnel between Noisy-Champs and Bry-Villiers-Champigny, and the Champigny sur Marne maintenance and stabling facility (MSF).
The works for the 7 kilometers of tunnels involve excavation of starter shafts for each of the two TBMs driving the main tunnels, a maintenance turnout, and 7 sets of ancillary works. The work being staged from 2017 to the end of 2021 requires a total of 122,550 m3 of concrete.
The MSF project requires 61,118 m3 of concrete for construction of an 85-m-long transition, a 22,000 m² transfer and run-through/stabling hall, 17,000 m² of maintenance workshops and plant rooms, and a 10,000-m² service building. For the two work packages, therefore, SATM Major works is producing more than 180,000 m3 of concrete on a third-party site.

180 000
cubic meters

Nos réalisations
Grand Paris Express – Ligne 16 Lot 3
SATM décroche à l’été 2021, la fourniture des bétons au profit du Lot 3 de la ligne 16 du Grand Paris Express.
Le groupement porté par RAZEL-BEC et SEFI-INTRAFOR réalise l’ensemble des travaux (325 millions d’Euros) à partir de juin 2021 et pour une durée de 5 ans.
Ce ne sont pas moins de 5,5kms de tunnel qui seront creusés au tunnelier, 6 ouvrages annexes et une Gare (Chelles).
SATM a déjà livré plus de 40 000m3 de béton au profit des parois moulées, avec des plots de bétonnage allant jusqu’à 1000m3 jour.
Plus de 60 000m3 de béton seront encore nécessaires pour la suite du Génie Civil entre la gare de Chelles et les différents ouvrages annexes.

100 000
m3 de béton fournis
SATM Grands Travaux partenaire du Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin (TELT)

Nos réalisations
SATM Grands Travaux a remporté le chantier opérationnel 08 (C08) - lot 3 de la construction de la ligne ferroviaire Lyon-Turin pour le compte d'un groupement.
D'une longueur d'environ 67 kilomètres, la future section transfrontalière de la ligne mixte Lyon Turin reliera Saint-Jean de Maurienne (73) à Suse (Suisse).
Deux centrales à béton sont installées sur le chantier pour livrer les 280 000m3 nécessaires à la construction du tunnel de base.
Ces deux centrales ont une capacité de production de 60m3 par heure, et fonctionnent 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7.

Le coût total de ce chantier est estimé à 228 millions d'euros, avec une livraison estimée à 2032.
Depuis septembre 2022, la filiale Vicat livre le béton nécessaire à la réalisation du tronçon, en particulier les deux tubes du tunnel en direction de Saint-Martin-la-Porte, soit 2839 mètres, dont 509 mètres de voûte parapluie dans un terrain préalablement consolidé.
Le reste de l'excavation est effectué à l'explosif.

280 000
m3 de béton fournis