Aggregate can be natural (sand and gravel) or recycled
Used mostly for surfacing roads, aggregate is also indispensable for making concrete. Today Vicat produces and markets more than 24 million tons of aggregate every year.
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Nicolas Dormont
Contenu de la page Expertise
Vicat's aggregate expertise
Our different kinds of aggregate:
There are several kinds of aggregate, differing in terms of their chemical and physical composition, especially their grading and hardness.
The range of Vicat aggregate available depends on:
- the geological nature of the materials extracted (alluvium or rock)
- the type of processing (if any): river or crusher gravel and sand. The aggregate is then used in a variety of ways.
Did you know?
Every year, you 'consume' 6 tons of aggregate on average!
This is because aggregate is the raw material used throughout your everyday environment:
- 1 ton of aggregate for a sandbox
- 300 tons for a house
- 1,000 tons for a cycle track
- 30,000 tons for 1 km of freeway
- 30,000 tons for 1 km of high-speed railroad,
- 60,000 tons for a high school
- 100,000 tons of aggregate for a hospital
- a few grams for a tube of toothpaste
Our facilities
- Brazil
- France
- India
- Senegal
- Switzerland
- Turkey