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quality control
Sous-titre bannière
To provide you with the best possible support for even your most complex projects, we provide an engineering and quality-control service.
Bannière chiffres cles
centre béton


technical center

laboratoire béton


laboratory in France

Engineering and quality control

Support for the most demanding projects

Our subsidiary Sigma Béton will apply its engineering and quality-control know-how to help you design your projects. How? Through studies and testing, research and development, and competitive intelligence in concrete, cement, and aggregate.

image accroche grande
concrete engineering
copyright grande image
Christophe Pouget
image accroche petite
concrete quality control
copyright image petite
Christophe Pouget
Contenu de la page Expertise

Our subsidiary Sigma Béton provides targeted technical services for works and infrastructures requiring the highest levels of reliability and durability: nuclear facilities, dams, bridges and viaducts, tunnels, etc. We can provide support for the projects of construction and civil works contractors, concrete batching plants, quarries, and project owners.

We are certified against ISO 9001 and are accredited by the French committee for accreditation, Cofrac. We have:

  • a cutting-edge technical center,
  • 15 laboratories throughout France.


Our facilities

  • France