Vicat is a family-run industrial concern operating internationally yet exercising strong community focus. To encourage the development of the areas where we work, we support local authorities, associations, and NGOs for concrete initiatives. What topics are close to our heart? Access to education, opening doors to culture, preventing illness and accidents, and fulfillment through sport.
emplois indirects générés par un emploi indirect en cimenterie dans les pays développés
corporate foundations, in France and Senegal
focuses of attention: local employment, education, health, culture, and sport

Supporting local businesses and indirect jobs
The Vicat group’s headcount stood at 9,947 as of December 31, 2019, up 12.5% on 2018. Our human-resources policy is tailored to encourage and nurture every skill.
In developed countries, 1 direct job in one of the Group’s cement plants generates 10 indirect jobs. For the Jambyl Cement plant in Kazakhstan, the ratio is 1:3, as it is in India. The cement plant run by Sococim Industries (Senegal) generates 5 indirect jobs with every direct job.
On top of that, the initiatives of the Sococim Foundation help improve the dynamics of the economy of the entire Rufisque area by supporting the development of local undertakings that foster traditional know-how in fields such as processing of locally grown cereals, dyeing as a cottage industry, and commercialization of textiles.
Availability of health care for the most fragile
In our commitment to ensuring the health of all, we pay special attention to the availability of local health care, particularly in countries whose people are most fragile. In India we have founded a socio-medical center in the village of Chatrasala (State of Karnataka), near the Kalburgi cement plant, that provides remote consultations with the most highly qualified specialists. The number of consultations has increased constantly since it opened; there were 8,000 in 2018.
Vicat support for education
When it comes to education, we support policies implemented by local governments. Our initiatives come in response to the specific needs of the population:
- improved leaning conditions in India,
- merit-based scholarships in Senegal,
- hosting visits by school pupils and students to showcase Vicat businesses in France.
In France, the Louis Vicat foundation also supports a range of projects, such as the educational project of Louis Vicat vocational high school in Souillac (France).
Vicat sponsoring culture
To open doors to culture, we have created two foundations. For example, Fondation Sococim, our foundation in Senegal, sponsors several concerts, including 'Loge des Poètes' by a Rufisque rapper it has been encouraging for several years. In France, Fondation Louis Vicat supports the Berlioz Festival in the Isère region.
Supporting sports clubs
Appreciating the values of sport, we provide support for a number of local clubs. In the Lyons region, Vicat helps the development of sport for women through longstanding solid ties with the Olympique Lyonnais women’s soccer team.