Vicat and Paprec create the company ALTèreNATIVE
We are pleased to announce the creation with the Paprec group of an industrial Waste-Energy processing scheme in the south of France : ALTèreNATIVE.
This joint project calls for the design, construction, and operation of a plant dedicated to the production of SRF (Solid Recovered Fuels) from non-recyclable waste. The plant will be the largest facility of its kind in the country. Its feedstock will be post-sorting residue from plants of the Paprec group, for which the only current solution is landfill. Its commissioning is scheduled for January 2023.
Circulère, a Vicat group subsidiary devoted to circular economy, will secure outlets for SRF, initially Vicat’s La Grave de Peille cement plant near the Mediterranean coast. This industrial waste-to-energy stream will help make the area self-sufficient in energy.

50,000 metric tons
annual SRF production capacity

€15 million
investment cost
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