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Agence 85

2022 first-half results presentation

28 July 2022

Vicat presents today at 3:00 pm CET its 2022 half-year results.

Hugues Chomel, Deputy CEO, Chief Financial Officer of the Vicat Group and Stéphane Bisseuil, Head of Investor Relations, will present to you Vicat's 2022 first half results. Conference Call takes place at 3:00 pm CET.

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20220728_First half 2022 results presentation_Vicat
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Vicat develops first carbon-zero binder

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Vicat’s DECA low-carbon range has been enriched by the addition of the first carbon-negative binder that can be used to produce very-low-carbon concrete. This innovation highlights the Group’s commitment to achieving carbon neutrality on its full value chain by 2050.



Meteor: increasing the proportion of alternative fuels at Montalieu-Vercieu

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Under its 'France Relance' recovery plan, the French government is putting up 1.2 billion euros to boost the drive for reducing the industrial sector’s greenhouse-gas emissions by creating new support mechanisms that will reinforce the existing mechanisms implemented by the country’s Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME). The latest batch of 42 ‘France Recovery’ beneficiaries announced on Friday, 19 November, 2021, includes our very own ‘Meteor’ project.



CimentAlgue : harnessing CO2 and waste heat in cement plants to produce microalgae

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Vicat is working together with AlgoSource Technologies, TotalEnergies, and the University of Nantes to accelerate the development of microalgae production using CO2 and waste heat.



Low-carbon trajectory: Vicat and Hynamics unveil Hynovi project

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Under a partnership with Hynamics, a subsidiary of energy-provider Groupe EDF that specializes in production of hydrogen, Vicat is developing an integrated solution for capturing CO2 and producing carbon-free methanol.