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Half-year results

2020 first-half results.

30 July 2020

Vicat Group has today reported its 2020 half-year results.

Commenting on these figures, Guy Sidos, the Group’s Chairman and CEO said:

“In response to the pandemic, the Group has demonstrated its flexibility and its responsiveness by taking steps from the outset to protect its employees, its customers and its suppliers and by launching strong measures to cut costs, control the working capital requirement and lower capital expenditure. We limited the impact of the pandemic, demonstrating the resilience of Vicat’s business model, including during a crisis.

We kept our production activities running at almost all our sites to keep pace with market trends and seize any commercial opportunities by remaining close to our customers, which has helped to mitigate the impact of the crisis.

In this unprecedented environment, visibility on our full-year performance remains limited. Drawing on the experience gained in the first half, the Group is pursuing its efforts, remaining extremely attentive and reactive to any changes in the pandemic situation and to the potential macroeconomic consequences it may have across all the regions in which we operate.”

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